STI and Contraception
A contraceptive is a tool used by individuals to avoid getting pregnant.
Here are many different types of contraceptives out there, however we will focus on the 2 main ones.
Condom and the Pill
A Condom is a thin layer of latex rubber that fits over an erect penis.
It is called a ‘barrier’ method of contraception. It prevents semen from being released into the woman vagina.
When used correctly a condom is a very effective method of contraception. They also prevent the transfer of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as HIV and syphilis.
However a condom is only 99% effective.
The pill is a tablet contraceptive, which females take daily to avoid pregnancy.
The pill contains hormones, which can prevent pregnancy by stopping ovulation.
The pill alters the hormone concentration in the body, tricking the body into thinking it is pregnant and preventing the egg from being released from the ovaries.
When used correctly, the contraceptive pill is a very effective method of contraception. However, it provides no protection against the transfer of STIs.
Again, although this method is highly effective it is not 100% effective against pregnancy.
It’s suggested that women use the pill for 3 months, and then stop for a month.
So what is an STI.
Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) is a diseases which is transfer during sex or sexual activities.
There are many different types of STI, some which can be cured with antibiotics, while others, such as HIV, have no known cure.
Quick Questions
1. Copy and complete the sentence.
The female reproductive system works in a cycle called the _______ . An egg is released each month. If the egg is not fertilised then the _______ of the uterus breaks down and leaves the body through the _________ . This is called a ________ . The contraceptive pill and _______ can be used to prevent ______.
2. Why is it good for both people to use contraceptives during sex instead of one?
Short Answer Questions
1. Explain how the pill works, and its effect on the body.
2. Compare the use of condoms and the contraceptive pill as methods of contraception.
3. What does STI stand for?
4. Define an STI
5. What are some examples of STI and their symptoms.
6. What is the best method to avoid pregnancy and STI
Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, syphilis, Hepatitis and HIV are all examples of STI.
Symptoms of STI can be
The best way to avoid STI, is to used a condom. Even if the women is on the pill you can still get an STI if you don’t use a condom.