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Year 10 iGCSE - Biology

At some point in your life you’ve probably taken antibiotics. They help with bacterial infections but NOT viral infections.

Super Bugs

In Ancient Egypt mould on bread was rub onto infected wounds. However it wasn’t until the 1940 that we realised fungus is capable of destroying bacteria.  

Mould produced penicillin, which weakness the cell wall of bacteria and causes them to burst.

So, what are antibiotics and how do they create super bugs?

Antibiotics are NOT antibodies. They are chemicals which work in either of 2 ways

Penicillin was used everywhere when first discovered. Animals and people where using antibiotics to treat infections. Animals even has it added to their food to prevent illness.

However just 10 years after penicillin was discovered, a bacteria immerged resistant to penicillin.

How did this happen?

Everything living is made of DNA. Bacteria are no exception. However unlike you and me, they are very simple and have only a few genes.

Your genes code for everything you are, and in bacteria they do the same.

Proteins, Enzymes, structures and behaviour is all governed by a bacteria’s DNA.

Current Super bugs are resistant to all except on antibiotic. However, how long it will remain effective is unknown.

The reason super bugs develop is for 2 reasons

There are 3 reasons why bacteria can become super bugs.

Mutation rate

As we know, bacteria have an incredible high mutation rate. This means their DNA changes and ‘mutates’ frequently.

A single change in the DNA could create a super bug. If the change in DNA allows for the creation of an enzyme which inhibits antibiotics or a stronger cell wall, the bacteria is now resistant to that antibiotic.


Bacteria reproduce at an extraordinary rate. Through binary fission a few hundred bacteria can become thousands over night.

So, while on super bug isn’t bad, allow it to reproduce and grow and it can become a problem.  

Sharing is caring

When two bacteria meet each other, they can share genetic information, meaning a super bug could give the antibiotic resistant gene to a non-super bug. Turning it into a super bug.


What are precautions your could take to decrease the spread/development of super bugs and explain why it is inevitable that super bugs will develop.

When people don’t finish their full course of antibiotics, the bacteria left are likely to be those which are the most resistant to the antibiotic.

They will be left to breed and grow. Producing a colony of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Quick Questions

1. When was the first clinical antibiotic discovered

2. What was the organism which produces Penicillin

3. How do antibiotics affect bacterial growth

Quick Questions

1. Explain the 3 reasons why bacteria are able to become super bugs

2. What is a super bug?

3.What is a mutation

Watch the video the right and answer the following.

1. What is different about viruses and bacteria

2. How do Bacteria affect your body

3. Why are antibiotics useless against viruses.


1. What is an antibiotic

2. Why is it beneficial to allow your body to fight the infection on its own

3. Under what circumstances would you prescribe antibiotics?

4. Read the following passage about antibiotics
