Classification  cells Cell composition Cell Death Cell division Cellular Respiration DNA replication Ecosystems Enzymes Evolution Gene regulation Homeostasis Hormone systems immune system inheritance Membrane movement and enviroments nervous system Organelles Organs and Organ Systems Photosynthesis Plants Protein synthesis  Types of reactions Timeline

1. During hyper-polarisation where is the majority of sodium located?

2. Observe the diagram to the right. The yellow line


3. What is the resting membrane potential?

4. What occurs at the refractory period?

5. Potassium exist the cell through what process?

6. During what part can the neuron not fire and why is this?

7. Define the all or nothing rule of neurons?

8. At which section of the neuron does the action potential occur.  

9.What is the membrane potential when the membrane is hyper polarised.

10. Define the semi-permeability of the cell membrane.

11. Explain why Hyper-polarisation occurs in neurons?  

12. When an action potential reaches the end of the action, what occurs at the axon endings?

13. What is the concentration of sodium and potassium while the neuron is at resting?  

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