Chemical energy  Electrical energy  Gravitational energy  Heat energy  Kinetic energy  Light energy  Sounds energy  Energy Qs 



Any moving object has kinetic energy, from a planet to an atom they have kinetic energy.

The heavier an object is and the faster it moves, the more kinetic energy it has.

If we through a bowling ball and an apple at the same speed, the bowling ball has more kinetic energy than the apple.

At the top of a hill the ball has no kinetic energy because it isn’t moving.

However because it rests on top of a hill it does have Potential and Gravitational energy.

Once we give it a push, the ball rolls down the hill, and the potential and gravitational energy is converted into kinetic energy.

When you turn on a fan, you feel the air pushing against you.

The blades turning contain kinetic energy, which is transferred to the air. This causes the air to move towards you.

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