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Electrons circle the nucleus. They don’t exactly have a strict orbit, like the planets around the sun, but the do circle the centre.

Click here to learn more about atoms

Electrons can move from place to place. If we rub two objects together we can transfer electrons.

Since electrons are negatively charged, when they build up they want to jump to a positively charged area (opposites attract).

This is how static electricity works. When you rub your feet on the carpet you build up electrons. When you touch something which is more positive the electrons jump. Creating a shock.

This is the same as thunder. The clouds become so negatively charged that the electrons jump around in the cloud and eventually down to the positive ground.

The Neutrons and Protons (positive charge) of an atom are stuck together in the nucleus. However the electrons are floating around.

Atoms can lose electrons, becoming more positive or gain electrons, becoming more negative.

They can either steal or give an electron from or too other atoms. When an atom has a charge its called an ion.

Materials which hold their electrons tightly are called insulators (plastic, glass or cloths).

Conductors, like metals, have many free electrons. This meaning the electrons are able to jump and move through the metal.

Click here for more information on electricity

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